About bad people

Question: Why are there more bad people in the world than good people?
Answer: There are more imperfect people rather than bad ones. In fact, everyone is imperfect. In other words, people are imperfect to varying degrees. Whereas more perfect people have a wider range of good qualities, others seem worse in comparison with them.
In reality, there are no bad people as such. Everyone has good human essence within. However, they are not perfect, because “good” does not mean “the best”. Even good things need further development. Some people develop better and faster, some – worse and slower. In addition, vices often imprison people, and delusions prevent them from distinguishing between good and evil. Even a good person, if he is subject to vice and does not know how to resist it, can do bad things, and then feel regret. What is more, delusions very often make good people do bad things, simply because they are convinced that they are doing the right thing. The surest way to make a good person do evil is to mislead him, deceive him so that in his eyes right and wrong, good and bad are reversed. This is what real bastards do. But these bastards, in turn, also have similar problems – susceptibility to vices, selfishness, wallowing in delusions, etc. Though their problems are much deeper. They are still only at the beginning of their moral development; their inner good essence hasn’t been revealed yet.
Thus, firstly, if someone does something bad, it does not mean that he is a bad person. Perhaps he is simply weak (more precisely, he does not know his inner strength), does not know how to resist vices, or he sincerely strives for the good, but due to delusions, he does not know how to distinguish between good and evil. Secondly, everyone begins the path of his development with a set of vices and delusions. They stick to his good inner essence, like dirt, and dim its light. It is very difficult to clean this dirt and it requires more than one life. That is why Nature has provided people with several rebirths. Dirt leaves gradually, from life to life, through the cognition of the world, people, and oneself, through experience and moral development. It slowly disappears, and the inner good essence becomes stronger and more vivid. Thus, an imperfect person turns into a very good one with time and due to inner work. However, as it was pointed out above, even a good person is not guaranteed against mistakes and wrong actions.
There is another important point. Good things and actions are perceived as the norm (which is quite right), and therefore often overlooked. Bad things are a deviation from the norm, and therefore they catch the eye. A person can do a hundred good deeds, and no one will pay any attention to them – because this is normal; a person should behave like a human being, shouldn’t he? But as soon as he commits one bad deed, everyone will notice it, and it will remain in their minds. A couple of such deeds – and he is already considered a bad person. If everyone knew how to notice and appreciate good in the same way that they know how to notice and condemn bad, it would suddenly turn out that there are much more good people, and the bad ones show up not so often. Certainly not often enough to have a low opinion of the human race.
I repeat: there are no bad people in the full sense of the word. Some people are very imperfect, morally undeveloped, prone to vices, deluded, looking like bad people. But there is initially a good essence (Spirit) in everyone, which needs to be developed and revealed. That is, all people are initially good. It is a big problem that it is impossible to reveal the inner essence easily and quickly, and it is very difficult to clean it from dirt. Solving this problem requires a lot of time and effort. When such a person does evil, it is rather his problem than his fault.
Therefore, there are more good people than bad ones. Some good people have revealed their good essence more and some – less. These latter are unconscious, like little children, or like sick people. You should remember this when shaping your attitude towards them.
I understand that because of the tragic events constantly taking place in the world, cruelty, crimes, vices, and other things, it is very difficult to accept the idea that all people are inherently good. But the worst thing is that good people do evil, thereby contradicting their very essence, internally crippling and mutilating themselves. This is one of the greatest tragedies of people. And this is a problem for everyone. That is why it is so important to understand this tragedy and to avoid growing hatred towards other people. There are no villains doing evil for the sake of evil, but people who are not good enough yet at being humane. This changes everything.

© Atarkhat, 2022

Translated by Amradkhari