Eternal people: beyond limits

      If you ask a follower of the Teaching a question about his religion, you may hear in response: “I am from the Eternal People”. However, this will not be a statement of nationality or religion (because the Teaching is not a religion). What does it mean? Who are the Eternal People?

     At first glance it is very simple: it is obvious that the Eternal People call themselves the followers of the Teaching. But in fact, it is a much broader concept than a name of a group of people united by common views. The concept of the Eternal People forms an important part of the Teaching of the United Temple. It defines the attitude to such important issues as nationalities and races, as well as the question of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

     If we consider the concept of the Eternal People step by step, from its narrower meanings to broader ones, then the narrowest meaning is precisely the belonging to the Teaching of the United Temple. Indeed, this is what its followers call themselves. And the concept of “people” in this context emphasizes the supranational essence of the Teaching. For the Truth has no nationality.

     The fact that the Teaching considers itself to be the true Teaching can raise many questions and even be a reason for accusations. However, it is beyond the scope of this article to address the issue of its truth or non-truth. The problem is, in fact, much broader than that. In addition to the question of whether the Teaching of the United Temple is true and whether it has a moral right to declare itself the holder of truth, it also raises a legitimate question: whether any of the existing philosophical or religious teachings can claim to do so. And what is Truth? And is it even possible to know it? There are many opinions. But to understand the concept of the Eternal People it is important to know the opinion of the Teaching about this concept. I will therefore refrain from examining the above-mentioned problems and limit myself to simply stating the fact that it believes itself to be true and that this is the basis of its conception of the Eternal People. Truth is eternal; it has always been studied and will always be studied. And in the history of mankind (which, according to the Teaching, is hardly less than 300000 years) except for the cognition of the Truth, there were repeated revelations of the God of Wisdom, when people received a certain amount of information about the world, the Universe, man’s role in the evolution of the Universe and so on. In other words, the Teaching of the United Temple in the past was already transmitted to people and had followers. There were 27 revelations in total (counting the present one). The Teaching existed under different names and only in esoteric form. And its followers (they also call themselves “faithful”) were at all times aware of their belonging to the Eternal People.

     It should be noted here that, according to the Teaching, every human being lives more than one life. After physical death, a person does not perish but keeps his or her energy body and goes to the world of energy, where he or she stays until the next birth (usually it is several hundreds of years). This means that there is no insurmountable temporal distance between those who have belonged to the Eternal People in different eras. In other words, the faithful, who in the physical world are separated by thousands or even tens of thousands of years, in the energy world exist simultaneously, may be able to communicate, and their next births may coincide in time. Many of the former followers of the Teaching have completed their path and passed into the world of Spirit – but many of them remain in the world of energy and are reborn in the physical world occasionally. Here we see the broader meaning of the term ‘Eternal People’: these are not only followers of the Teaching in our time but also those who belonged to it in former times. These people continue to exist and to be reborn, and they continue to belong spiritually to the Teaching. Thus, the Eternal People exist in two worlds at once – the world of matter and the world of energy – and include those who have lived in different epochs and who continue to live and to be reborn.

     They all make one community – albeit one with specific conditions of existence. Being born in physical bodies, people of the Eternal People, as a rule, do not remember what happened to them before their birth. It happens not only to them but to all other people; the lack of memories of their past lives is the norm for all reborn people, and very few manage to remember anything about their past. However, being a member of a Teaching and the personal qualities gained thereby have a strong positive influence on the character and destiny of the reborn people. In the world of energy, the followers remember their past and realize themselves as part of the Eternal People. They communicate and often communicate on a deeper level than those in the physical world, they participate in common affairs and share their experiences. Many of them have lived experience for tens of thousands of years, and it is difficult to know the extent and value of the knowledge and experience possessed by the Eternal People, which they may profit from. However, the knowledge and personal experience of the faithful are not limited to the patrimony of the Eternal People. It possesses the most powerful energy accumulated by all those who have ever belonged to the Teaching. The Teaching has its egregor called the God of the Faithful. This is a sentient energy being that has existed since the teachings first appeared in the human world and stored the energy of the Eternal People within it. Egregors exist in all teachings and religions and all human communities in general. People who belong to a community share their energy with the community’s egregor, which, in turn, stores it and shares it with the members of the community. The goal of any egregor is the well-being, success, and strengthening of the community to which it belongs. The energy accumulated by it is directed towards achieving these goals. It is used appropriately in the world of energy and is also used to help the members of the community living in the physical world. The greater the energy of an egregor, the longer it has existed, the more people belong to that particular community, and the more purposeful and struggling those people are in pursuit of common goals.

     The purpose of the people belonging to the Teaching is to cognize the Truth and convey it to others, to change oneself and the world for the better, and to oppose everything evil and unnatural, evil in all its manifestations. All this requires much work, patience, persistence, courage, and strength of mind. Hard work, struggle and self-sacrifice of these people have always been sources of the most powerful good energy. Part of it was passed on to the God of the Faithful and accumulated by him. Thus, the Eternal People have not only the knowledge and experience accumulated by the people who belong to them over several hundred thousand years but also the colossal energy of the most benign character accumulated by the God of the Faithful. This is the legacy of the power born of the best qualities of the former faithful; and it continues to be replenished. The faithful can draw strength from this source when they need it for their good struggles.

     The topic of struggle in the context of this article is already a transition to a consideration of the social aspect of the concept of the Eternal People.

     What is a good struggle from the point of view of the Teaching? First of all, it is a struggle of its followers within themselves – a struggle against that which constitutes the worst part of human nature: vices, bad habits, unnatural tendencies, etc. This is a really hard struggle, which is often very painful and debilitating. But it is necessary because the purpose of the Teachings is to tell people about the true structure of the world and to teach them how to live so that their lives would not be harmful to the world but beneficial for it. Then, the struggle against the delusions and vices of society. Ignorance is opposed to Truth, and this is done through the preaching of the Teaching, through its transmission to the people. The struggle against the evils of society usually begins for the follower of the Teaching when he begins to live by the Teaching. The principles of his life often begin to diverge from the principles of the life of others, because he ceases to approve and commit what is immoral but is considered by many as a norm: lying, alcoholism, debauchery, selfishness, violence, and so on. All this is considered evil according to universal human standards. Nevertheless, it happens everywhere because people find many excuses and justifications for such deeds. Moreover: Those who act otherwise are often mocked and condemned because their principles disturb others; such principled people are foreign bodies among those for whom amoral actions are the norm. And the followers of the Teachings often find themselves in this position and feel strong psychological pressure from the surrounding people – sometimes even from the people close to them. It is not easy to withstand it; it is a serious struggle. And such pressure from others is not always psychological but sometimes takes the form of physical violence as well. The history of the world is replete with examples of the harassment of the undesirable and the physical destruction of them; there are such examples in the history of the Teaching, in the times of past revelations. Such things abound in the present time, and the Eternal People will likely have to deal with them in the future.

     So, the struggle against the evil within, the struggle for the right of moral self-determination, and even the struggle for survival; but that is not all. We have to change the world for the better, and this is also a struggle, which may involve spheres of spirituality, culture, politics, economy, science, and others. In all of these areas, there are positive, constructive tendencies and negative, destructive ones. Facilitating the former and counteracting the latter is one of the aims of the Eternal People – and this too is connected with struggle.

     As we can see, the struggle can be relevant for all (or almost all) areas of life, from self-development to various kinds of social activity. And for the people of the Eternal People, as for those who try to change themselves and the world for the better, the struggle in this or that field is practically inevitable. That is why the Teaching says that every follower of it must be a warrior. The concept of the warrior also takes one of the most important places in the Teaching; but this subject is too vast to be dealt with in the framework of this article. It requires a separate discussion; here I will only say that “to be a warrior” and “to be aggressive” in the Teachings are not the same thing. And to sum up the theme of struggle I will stress that, as can be seen from the foregoing, the Eternal People are warriors, dedicating themselves to the struggle for the common good.

     The other side of the social aspect of the concept of the Eternal People is the national and racial question. According to the Teaching, people of all nations and races are equal. Man is man, and all men have one common place in Nature, one common destination, and one common role in the evolution of the universe. Also, nations and races tend to merge; this process has been going on for a long time and is accelerating over time. Already now, nationality is in many cases a purely formal matter, meaning only in the legal sphere. If the parents are of different nationalities, the affiliation of their child to one of the nationalities is pure fiction. However, the blood not of two peoples but of many more is mingled in the veins of many people. Can one say that modern nations are pure nations? And races? As already said the process of national and racial mixing is getting more and more intensive; soon national and racial differences will disappear and humanity will become one nation that absorbed all the best from all nations and races.

     Proceeding from the fact that all people are equal in Nature and that nations and races actively mingle, striving for complete fusion, the Teaching of the United Temple does not attach importance to national and racial differences. Its followers, regardless of language and color, belong to one people, a people of eternal Truth, the Eternal People, uniting people on the principle of common views and goals. The kinship of souls, minds, and wills brings people closer than national or racial attributes, which have less and less importance in today’s world and will in the future wear themselves out completely.

     All this does not mean that everyone who enters the Teaching is obliged to renounce his nationality. He must simply realize that nationality is not as important as is commonly believed and that spiritual unity is supra-national. One must understand that the national division is conditional and that within the Eternal People, there is no need for it.

     The Teaching also respects the national cultural heritage of each nation, recognizing it as unique and invaluable in the historical and spiritual sense. But at the same time, it creates its own, supranational culture. This is characteristic of any large-scale spiritual system, such as Christianity, Islam, or Buddhism. The Teaching regards national cultures as the common property of mankind. For it, national cultures are not something that divides people but are the finishing touches to the portrait of man as such, of man in general, of man as a member of his species. Such conceptions of the Teaching on the national and racial question completely exclude the spread of Nazi and racist attitudes among its adherents and exclude any inequality based on national or racial grounds at all. The Eternal People already now represent a part of the world of the future, a world without national conflicts and racial discrimination (open or veiled), and in the future also without national borders.

     However, the concept of the Eternal People has an even broader meaning that goes beyond humanity and its world.

     According to the Teaching of the United Temple, humanity is not alone, because there are many intelligent races in the Universe. Some of them have much in common with us biologically and psychologically, others less or very little. But there are principles of existence common to all sentient races. One of these principles is the need for cognition. Without cognition and thinking, the intellectual and moral development of an intelligent species is impossible. And the Universe is one for all, and its laws apply to all alike, and the principles of its evolution, as well as the purposes of that evolution, are universal. This means that all sentient beings of the universe cognize the same Truth. And if the evolution of each sentient species is an integral part of the evolution of the Universe, and if the principles and aims of evolution as a single process are common to all, then this in turn means that the basic moral and ethical principles are also common to all sentient races of the Universe. We can put it this way: they are united by common purposes and principles of existence, by similar methods of cognition, and by the conditions necessary for successful development.

     Truth is the same for all. It was given to humans through the Teaching of the United Temple, but in fact, other sentient races of the universe also cognize it. For some of them, scientific and philosophical methods are enough for this; others are helped in this by the God of Wisdom, – just as he helps people. He is a being of universal proportions, and he can speak to any intelligent race in any corner of the Universe. Therefore, the Eternal People are not limited to human beings; in fact, human beings form only a small part of them. All sentient beings who know the Truth and live according to its principles – regardless of whether they have learned it on their own or with the help of the God of Wisdom – belong to the Eternal People. His teaching exists in the world of humans as the Teaching of the United Temple and on other inhabited planets it may be known under other names – but this is the same teaching about the unified, common goals of evolution and common to all principles of existence and development.

     I do not mean to say that all the intelligent races of the Universe without exception adhere to the same worldview. It is much more complicated than that. Some sentient species are just beginning to learn about themselves and the world and have a long way to go to the Truth; others are in the power of delusion; some have rejected the Truth and have stepped on the path of selfishness and aggression; The situation of some resembles that of mankind, where the true Teaching has already come to their world, but only a part of people has so far accepted it; and some have accepted the Teaching of the God of Wisdom as the universal and only world-view of their kind. In short, there are many worldviews in the Universe and many ways of intellectual, spiritual, moral, and political development chosen for themselves by different intelligent races. This, again, is broadly similar to the situation of humanity, with its variety of paths that states, nations and individuals choose for themselves. But one of those paths – for humans and other sentient beings alike – is the path of Truth. And those who follow this path belong to the Eternal People.

     Its concept is very broad; other sentient species of the Universe also have a concept of the Eternal People – and often to a much greater extent than humans. There are intelligent races that belong entirely to the Eternal People; for them, it is a principle of life that they have followed for thousands of years. Humanity has yet to reach this level. In other words, it has yet to merge into the Eternal People, to enter into the community of civilizations united by the Truth.

     What does this community represent? This is a community of civilizations with a common worldview, common goals, and similar methods of achieving them, cooperating in scientific and other fields and belonging to interrelated political structures. Of course, the term “politics” can be used here only in the broadest sense, as the relations of extraterrestrial civilizations are not the same as those of earthly states. However, there are still similarities, because sentient races as well as earthly people and states have different mentalities (and often much more different than in the case of earthly people, for example, due to cardinal differences in biology, habitat, features of thinking, etc.), worldviews, objectives and moral principles. There are also clashes of interests, animosities and conflicts, alliances, and unions. All this is true – though it sounds like science fiction.

     As has been said, there are many intelligent races in the Universe, and some of them are part of the Eternal People. Some of them have the possibility of maintaining contact with each other and uniting in a kind of commonwealth; others do not have such a possibility due to the enormous distances separating them. Therefore, the communities of civilizations that make up the Eternal People are like clusters of islands, archipelagos, scattered across the ocean of space. But contact between intelligent races who cannot reach each other in the physical world becomes possible in the world of energy, where laws are different and where, given the right circumstances, traveling from one point of space to another may be virtually instantaneous, regardless of distance. In the world of energy, in the space close to Earth, there is a place that the Teaching of the United Temple call “the stronghold”. It is a center where the Eternal People are called after their physical death. Here they communicate, learn, and exchange experience, from here they go on a wander in the energy Universe and here they come back, from here they go to the physical world for a new birth, and from here they also go to the world of Spirit, for those for whom there is no need for new births anymore. The stronghold is a place of refuge for the faithful in the world of energy, a headquarters, if I may say so, a stronghold, a place of wisdom and strength, and a meeting place for people who belong to the Teaching at different times. And such a stronghold exists near every planet whose inhabitants belong to the Eternal People. Due to the peculiarities of the laws in force in the world of energy, the faithful of different intelligent races have much more opportunities for contact here than the same races in the physical universe. Not only do the inhabitants of different strongholds meet during their wanderings in the energy world, but many of them are even able to visit each other’s strongholds. Contact and cooperation between the faithful of different intelligent races in the world of energy is very active – because they are all of the same faith and have common goals. As it is easy to understand, there is an exchange of knowledge and experience on a colossal scale, not comparable to the scale of such exchange in the interaction of the faithful within one single intelligent race.

     The same applies to the energy of the Eternal People. All of its constituent races and beings interact with the God of the Faithful and thus form part of a single energy system. The God of the Faithful takes in the power of the faithful living on different planets and belonging to different species – and it becomes common. This power can be possessed by any infallible person wherever he or she may be and to whichever race he or she may belong. It is hard even to imagine the power of this united energy potential.

     So, summing up all of the above, we can state that Eternal People – is a community of followers of the Teaching of God of Wisdom, united by a common worldview and common goals, having a common energy, having a common experience of its members and the means of communication both in the physical and in the energy worlds. The Eternal People are people who are currently living in the physical world, people who are in the world of energy, other sentient beings, and even entire sentient races (again, inhabiting not only the physical world but also the world of energy). Thus, the Eternal People is an association not only supra-national but also supra-species. It has no national, racial, species, spatial (because there are faithful in many different regions of the universe) and temporal (because the first representatives of the Eternal People were beings from the oldest intelligent races of the universe, and its last representatives will be in the distant future beings from the last intelligent races in the history of the universe). The significance of the Eternal People for the evolution of the Universe is not just immense: without the Eternal People, this evolution could not proceed at all. For in addition to the evolution of the physical, the general evolutionary process also includes, as an obligatory stage, moral evolution. And their engine is the cognition of Truth by sentient beings and, as a result of this cognition, their moral perfection. Physical evolution (starting from the formation of the physical structure of the Universe and finishing with the development and change of the animal world) has as its goal the appearance of sentient species, which, together with the continuation of physical evolution in them, perform intellectual and moral evolution. The purpose of the latter is to develop qualities that are vital to the further existence and evolution of the Universe. And it is in the bosom of the Eternal People that these qualities are developed. Therefore, we can say that they are the guarantor of the future of our Universe, its architects and builders.

     Perhaps, it sounds a little immodest, – but only at first sight. Is it possible to argue with the statement that there are phenomena harmful and destructive for the world and the Universe and there are phenomena good and useful for them? The Eternal People are those who see the Truth, know what is good, and consciously walk on the good path. The beings of the Eternal People – humans and non-humans – are those whose views and activities are in harmony with the structure and development of the universe, helping it to exist and to become more perfect.

It can be done by those who have the necessary knowledge. This knowledge constitutes the true Teaching, and can be acquired either through the revelation of God of Wisdom or independently through scientific and philosophical knowledge of the world. In other words, the Eternal People are those who see the objective reality and work for the good and progress of the Universe. And for this good progress, it is meaningful work that is required.

     The Eternal People are the fruit of evolution – the intellectual and moral evolution of intelligent life on the scale of the Universe. They are the necessary stage, the engine of further existence and development of the Universe both intellectually and morally, and physically. They are the elements of a living system without which that system could not exist.

     The general principle of what is said here is simple and clear, and can hardly be challenged: there is a certain system (in this case, the Universe) and a certain element of its structure, without which it cannot exist and develop. Censure can only cause the claim that this element is the Eternal People, and concerning the people – the followers of the Teaching of the United Temple. At the beginning of this article, it has already been briefly explained why I left the discussion of this subject beyond its scope. I will only add that the current level of scientific knowledge does not allow either with conviction to confirm or with conviction to refute the truth of the Teaching; The refutations of other doctrines are in this case only a counterposition of one point of view to the other. And since scientific methods do not yet allow to confirm the correctness of one of the sides, it remains only to compare the teachings themselves as such – their information, internal consistency and logic, the persuasiveness of the explanations given to the phenomena of the world, the moral content and so on. Those wishing to study the Teaching of the United Temple and analyze its doctrine in this vein can read the Pandect and related materials. Before humanity, there were already intelligent races on Earth. As they evolved, each of them became part of the Eternal People and then gave way to a successor race. Mankind is another link in this chain. Over time, it will also join the Eternal People. Then a part of humanity will cease to be reborn, having reached the highest point of personal evolution and passed into the world of Spirit, and another part will leave the Earth, giving place to the next sentient species. Such was the way of our predecessors, and such will be the way of humans.

     The transition of people to the world of Spirit has always been taking place – because during the time of the existence of mankind, very many of the faithful have managed to reach such a level of personal evolution that makes this transition possible. In the future, this will happen much more often and at the end of the human path, it will be almost a mass phenomenon. The departure of the remaining people from the Earth will have two forms: some of them will stop rebirth in human bodies and continue their way on other planets, in bodies of other intelligent creatures (it is happening now, but not so often), others will leave the Earth physically.

     Just as on Earth, the process of fusion of peoples and races is now taking place, so in the vastness of the Universe, the great process of fusion of sentient races belonging to the Eternal People is taking place. Of course, all these species have serious differences in biology, psychology, etc.; but the spiritual unity also has an evolutionary significance.

     On a cosmic scale and in a timeframe measured in millions of years, it allows different intelligent races to undergo changes that make possible not only a spiritual, cultural, intellectual, and psychological fusion but also a biological, and physical fusion. A unified sentient race is being formed in the universe, which already includes the descendants of sentient races that inhabited many planets in the past, and into which more and more sentient species will be merged. This unified race also includes the descendants of those who inhabited the Earth before humans. The same path lies ahead for humanity. The One Intelligent Race in question here is the highest point in the physical evolution of the sentient species of the universe; it is the fullest embodiment of the idea of the Eternal People – when the unity of the spiritual becomes so comprehensive that it overcomes biological differences and transcends into physical unity.

     People who belong to the Eternal People here and now – that is, the current followers of the Teaching of the One Temple – know that humanity is on a journey whose highest point will be the merger with other sentient races of the universe. This knowledge brings into the worldview of the faithful specific traits and characteristics of the followers of the Teaching – in particular, the breadth of perception, transcending not only the national and racial, but also species, a deep understanding and sense of the principle of unity of all that exists, the ability to think in categories not limited to Earth and human civilization. The present Eternal People is thus the environment in which the humanity of the future is being formed, with its different mentality, its particularities of perception and thinking, its spiritual world and culture. But this by no means separates the present faithful from the rest of mankind, does not put insurmountable barriers between the Eternal People and the rest of mankind – because the faithful are flesh from its flesh, and any person can enter the Eternal People. And, as mentioned above, the time will come when all mankind will enter it.  It is impossible to say when this will happen, whether it will take tens, hundreds, or thousands of years – but we can say with certainty that it is inevitable because the knowledge of the Truth by mankind is inevitable.

     Of course, the subject of the Eternal People is very vast and deep, and cannot be completely covered in one small article. Here I have shown it only in general terms, just to give the reader a minimum idea of what the Eternal People are and what features this gives to the worldview of those who belong to it – the followers of the Teaching of the United Temple. To understand the doctrine of the Eternal People more deeply and better, to see it in detail and nuance, it is enough to become seriously familiar with the Teaching as a whole, – because the concept of the Eternal People is inextricably linked with its other elements, and without them cannot be seen and understood in its entirety.