Month: May 2021

  • Top 10 questions

    There are some questions that people have always tried to answer. They were people of different nationalities having different worldviews, who lived in different times in different parts of the world. Moreover, their worldviews arose as a result of attempts to answer these questions. Thousands of religions and all kinds of teachings, from occult and philosophical to ethical and scientific,… Continue reading "Top 10 questions"

  • In broad strokes

    All serious and deep spiritual teachings always have one and the same problem: they are very difficult to summarize. It’s an advantage to have an extensive picture of the world, richness of details and nuances, a system of principles related to human life, etc. However, this advantage sometimes turns into a disadvantage for some people. They are simply intimidated by… Continue reading "In broad strokes"

  • The world without enemies

    Undoubtedly, hostility is one of the strongest human motivations. Although, in essence, this is not a motivation, but a reaction: a reaction to a contradiction, threat, rivalry, a resentment, conflict of interest, and so on and so on. For example, a child took away a toy from another child; the political interests of several states collided; someone gossiped about another… Continue reading "The world without enemies"