Declaration of The Teaching of The United Temple


This Declaration is intended for general knowledge. Its aim is to notify everyone, both interested and disinterested, about its philosophy, principles and purposes, its views on society and some important aspects of human life. Hereafter are the main points. They are based on the philosophy of The Teaching of The United Temple. They do not depend on the current situation and are permanent. They are fundamental for today and also for the future. They are recognized by the followers and reflect their views, principles, goals and guidelines for action.


Part 1
Our philosophy

     1.1 The Truth – is everything that objectively exists. It is reality itself. There is only one reality and it is what it is. There are no different options of the Truth. It does not depend on the opinions of people. Their delusions distort their ideas about it, but do not change it. The Truth is perceptible, and can be described to the extent that it is comprehensible to human mind. A reliable description of reality is also called the Truth.

     1.2 There is a great infinity called The Being. It is a boundless space that does not have the beginning or the end in time, in which everything exists as its particles, including our Universe. The Four Great Principles act in it: Vital, Progressive, Good and Reasonable. These are the basic laws of The Being, from which all other laws originate, laws of The Being and its particles. There is also an impulse of destruction in The Being. By overcoming it, The Being evolves, thus supporting its existence and life of all its particles.

     1.3 Our Universe is a living and sentient being called the Creator. In order to perceive himself and reach a new level of evolution, he transformed his body into the Universe. The Creator is not a supernatural being: he is the fruit of evolution of his world. His transformation into the Universe was not a supernatural act either: he changed himself with the abilities acquired during the evolution. The Universe has three levels, which consist of different substances and are called the world of Spirit, the world of energy and the world of matter. The first corresponds to the soul of the Creator, the second – to its energy, and the third – to its physical body.

     1.4 Evolution is the main law both in The Being and in our Universe. There are no supernatural powers nor miracles that violate natural laws. Those who are called gods, or higher elementals, in the Teaching, are the personified laws of Nature, that is, the functions of the Creator’s body. These laws come from the world of Spirit and manage the lives of two other worlds.

In the world of energy, their carriers are a kind of living matrices – energy beings with a special form of consciousness. Their purpose is to implement these laws properly, and they cannot act against their purpose. We call them gods.

     1.5 Good and evil are objective concepts and do not depend on people’s opinions. Good is what benefits The Being and the Universe, contributes to their evolution and continuation of their lives, and evil is what prevents it and leads to destruction. In our Universe the manifestation of the destruction impulse is the highest elemental called the Dragon. He creates resistance, by overcoming it the Creator is internally perfected.

     1.6 There are two forms of mind: passive, or preserving, and active, or cognizing. A passive mind is inherent in everything in the universe; it manifests itself in the form of instincts. Active mind is also present in everything, but in the form of a latent potential. It manifests itself only in creatures that have reached a certain evolutionary level. Such creatures are called sentient beings, since they are able to actively perceive the world and themselves, to be aware of what is known, to analyze and comprehend information, and to creatively apply gained knowledge. Only sentient beings have free will and can make a conscious choice.

     1.7 There are many types of sentient beings in the Universe, that is, intelligent races that have appeared on different planets during evolution. The mind of the Creator is manifested through them, thus he perceives himself and improves himself. Humans are one of these intelligent races. All intelligent races of the universe are united by a common purpose and a single meaning of existence.

     1.8 The essence of the Creator’s internal evolution is to perfect the Spirit, that is, his soul, which contains his mind and personal qualities. In every conscious person there is a particle of the Spirit, which he must perfect through cognition and moral choice. A particle comes out of the world of Spirit and becomes a soul of a sentient being and the basis of his personality. By reaching the highest possible level of development it returns to the world of Spirit and merges with other particles within. When the whole soul of the Creator passes through the sentient beings and becomes more perfect, the Creator will experience a qualitative change and will be at a new stage of his evolution. However, if this process is excessively delayed and does not end in time, the Creator will perish. Thus, his further fate – that is, the fate of the Universe – depends on the sentient beings.

     1.9 The meaning of life of a person as a sentient being is in perfection of the Creator. Each of us is responsible for a part of his soul that he carries within. For this we get the right to life. We must work to perfect the Creator; this is called The Great Duty. The two components of this work are cognition and morality. We know reality, we know good and evil and we make a series of moral choices between them. When a person makes a choice in favor of good, he thereby improves his particle of the Spirit, increases its quality. If he chooses in favor of evil, his improvement slows down.

     1.10 Perfection of a particle of the Spirit is not an easy task, which is almost impossible to accomplish in one life. Therefore, a person lives through a number of lives. When his physical body dies, his soul (that is, the energy body and the Spirit) remains in the world of energy for awhile, and then is born in a new body. The time and place of a new birth does not depend on a person’s desire, but is determined by the laws of Nature, which direct him to the place with the best conditions for his development. There is no spiritual degradation; the achievements of each life are added to the achievements of the previous lives. Rebirths continue until a person gains enough experience and improves his Spirit as far as possible. Then the particle of the Spirit, now of a higher level, returns to the world of Spirit.

     1.11 A man is a particle of the Creator, and by perfecting himself, he perfects the Creator. This occurs through moral choice, which is made possible through perception and free will. Therefore, a person should percieve and try to lead a moral life. You need to fight with your vices, defeat them and develop positive qualities in yourself. That is how the Spirit is perfected. Therefore, morality comes before anything else. We need to learn to love people and everything that exists, we need to benefit society and try to make the world a better place. It is necessary to fulfill the Great Duty: this is the meaning of life. We must not forget that each of us has a personal responsibility for the future of the Creator.

     1.12 Humanity exists to fulfill the Great Duty. To do this, it perceives the world and improves intellectually, morally and socially. There is a natural process of fusion of nations. Over time, they will become a single nation, with a single culture, a single worldview and a single United philosophy. Humanity is a cosmic race in its potential. People will go into deep space, will explore and inhabit other planets. Humanity will come into contact with other intelligent races, will have a common philosophy with many of them. They will cooperate on the basis of the common fulfillment of the Great Duty. When humanity reaches the maximum level of development, it will cease to exist, as its task will be completed, and people will move into the world of Spirit.


Part 2
Our teaching

     2.1 The Teaching of The United Temple is not a religion. It does not recognize the existence of any supernatural powers, does not teach to worship anything, does not have a cult, shrines and saints, prayers, mystical sacraments and other attributes of religion. It is a spiritual path based on knowledge and moral principles. By the “temple” we mean the world in which we live, Nature, the Universe. You are to perceive them in such a way and try to behave accordingly.

     2.2 Mankind is experiencing serious difficulties with cognition and moral development. Therefore, Nature helps us through one of the highest elementals, whom we call the God of Wisdom. This is the one who stores all information about the Universe. It transfers some knowledge to intelligent races that have similar difficulties, and thereby stimulates their development, helping them not to fade away. During the human history, which is actually much longer than is commonly believed, people received help from him twenty-six times. We call these informational messages -revelations, and people who received them directly from the God of Wisdom – prophets. Thus, the Teaching has come into our world more than once during the periods of deep crisis. Moreover, it always remained a property of a narrow circle of initiates, spreading indirectly. Its mission was not to proclaim the Truth openly, but only to direct people to it. Having completed the task, it disappeared every time.

     2.3. The current, twenty-seventh revelation is special – because the situation is especially difficult. Humanity is in a spiritual and moral crisis again, and at the same time, for the first time in its history, it can completely destroy itself. Therefore, now the Teaching is intended for all people. It is transmitted openly and contains more information than previous revelations. This revelation is final one: there will be no more.

     2.4 The Teaching was founded by the prophet Atarchat on the 1st of March 1996. The Prophet is the head of the teaching and is the highest authority in all matters related to it. In these matters, his judgment and his establishment cannot be challenged, since he is connected with the source of revelation. The collection of the fundamental texts of the Teaching is called the pandect “Erma”. It cannot be written by anyone except the prophet, and the texts included in it must not be changed. The Pandect is the main source of the Teaching, along with the living word of the prophet.

     2.5 In the heart of the Teaching are its principles. Each follower is an apprentice receiving knowledge from the Teacher. He should honor his Teacher and trust him fully. The Teacher should transfer knowledge to the apprentices, teach them to follow these principles in life, explain obscure moments of the Teaching and, if necessary, help with advice in difficult life situations. The teacher should also be a role model in following the Teaching. He is obliged to do everything possible so that his apprentices can study the Teaching and develop spiritually, and cannot demand or expect any reward from them.

    2.6 Any sane person who has reached the age of 21 years can join the Teaching. His decision to join should be deliberate and voluntary. The entrant must have an idea of the philosophy of the teaching, understand its goals and principles and accept them as his own. Upon entry, no oaths and obligations are made, only a firm intention to follow the chosen path is confirmed. Resignation from the Teaching is free, without any conditions and obstacles.

     2.7 The follower must uphold the principle of paths’ purity. It is impossible to follow the Teaching and other spiritual paths at the same time and bring their elements into it. This will violate the integrity of the path and make it unsuitable for spiritual development. However, acquaintance with other spiritual paths is not prohibited for the followers of the Teaching, what is more, it is recommended.

     2.8 There are no obligatory monetary contributions in the Teaching. Followers are not obliged to make donations, they are not obliged to buy something related to the Teaching. They are also not obliged to participate in the Teaching related matters, such as promotion, attracting new followers. They should only understand the Teaching, and it is expected that they will do their best to follow its principles.

     2.9 There are no specially developed practices for spiritual development in the Teaching. The best and the most effective practice in this sense is a righteous life. You need to know the Truth and learn how to live in accordance with it, you need to lead a moral life and try to be useful to people and the world. The Teaching does not command or forbid; it tells what is right and what is not, and explains why. If a follower really seeks the Truth and tries to follow it, he will motivate himself to follow the right path and avoid the wrong ones.

    2.10 The Teaching is a supranational community uniting people from different nations. Not only those followers who live in the world of matter, but also those who are in the world of energy between rebirths belong to it. It is also the philosophy of many intelligent races in the Universe. Thus, it is not only a supranational community, but also a supraspecific one. All its followers – people and others sentient beings, who are in the world of matter and in the world of energy – consider themselves to be one nation, called the Eternal Nation.

     2.11 The Teaching does not contradict science. Everything that it talks about is real, and does not contain mysticism. Science does not have the means and capabilities to discover and study what it describes yet. However, over time, such tools and opportunities will appear. Science will make discoveries confirming that the philosophy of the Teaching corresponds to reality. In future, science and Teaching will unite in a single path of cognition.


Part 3
Our principles

     3.1 There is a natural morality common to all people. It has its source in the Spirit and is, in fact, the morality of the Creator himself. It was originally put into every person, since at the core of human soul is a particle of the Creator’s soul.

     3.2 Since the perfection of the Spirit goes through moral life, it is especially important to follow moral standards. It makes a person and our world better. It is necessary to overcome your vices, to refrain from immoral acts. It is necessary to help other people in this, at least by example. It is necessary to fight immorality in society, because it destroys it, destroys people’s lives, hinders their spiritual development, generates unbridledness and crime, makes our world a dangerous place.

     3.3 Struggling – is not something undesirable and extraordinary, but a person’s natural state. We are constantly struggling with something or for something. Each person is inherently a warrior. However, this does not mean aggressiveness. The struggle can be peaceful and without hatred. At a minimum, we struggle with our vices and worse qualities, and fight against what is bad for us. Therefore, it is impossible to avoid the struggle. This inevitability must be taken for granted. The main thing is to try struggling for what is right and fair. Such a struggle improves a person, so he becomes stronger and better.

     3.4 A person is free in his decisions and actions. No one can force him into anything unless he himself allows it. If it was different, there would be no sense in the existence of man, because free moral choice is the most important tool for spiritual development. Without it, it would be impossible to perfect the Creator. There is no fate, no future determination. We decide our own destiny.

     3.5 A person lives and develops, he feels discomfort, faces obstacles, experiences failures and losses and suffers from this. Suffering is natural. It is an integral part of life and development, it cannot be avoided completely, and there is no sense in striving for this. Problems and difficulties are a natural part of life. By overcoming problems, difficulties and suffering, we are improving. They are an important evolutionary factor, and we need to treat them that way.

     3.6 Death is not the end of human life. Only the physical body dies, and the person some time remains in the world of energy, after that he is born again. Therefore, one should not be afraid of death as something most terrible and irreparable. You should remembered that your current life is only an episode, a link in a long chain of rebirths. If it is overshadowed by great misfortunes, losses and suffering, then all of them are temporary and in the next life everything will be different. You should not despair and assume that everything is lost. It is necessary to use problems as an opportunity for development in this life.

     3.7 A body does not have its own value. It is only a material shell of the soul, the tool used for its improvement. Therefore, it is wrong to put the interests and well-being of a body above moral principles and perfecting the soul. The internal is more important than the external. A body should be treated as a valuable tool that is cared for and looked after, but not to the detriment of the tasks for which it was created.

     3.8 Spirituality is not necessarily the same as religion. Spiritual values are created through art, philosophy, ethics, scientific knowledge, and so on. Spirituality is what relates to perfection of the Spirit, contributes to this process. It is associated with the Great Duty. In order to successfully fulfill it, religion is not needed.

     3.9 Every teaching or religion has the right to consider itself true. This is natural, as each teaching is trying to find the Truth. If a person is convinced that the spiritual path he has chosen is the true one, that does not mean he disrespects other people’s paths. However, criticism of other spiritual paths is possible and normal. This is spiritual pluralism, which should be based on the principles of mutual respect and healthy rivalry and should not turn into enmity. Time and scientific knowledge will show which of the spiritual paths is true and reflects the reality more accurately.

     3.10 All races and peoples are equal. No nation is superior to others or worse than others in its essence. Such phenomena as racism, national chauvinism and Nazism are unacceptable. All nations are moving towards a gradual merger into a single nation – and there should be no artificial support of their separation nor interethnic hostility. Men and women are equal. Sexual chauvinism is unacceptable. All people are equal in their fundamental rights.

     3.11 Violence is evil. However, it is permissible to protect the right and the innocence in case of a defensive war, in a fight against crime and terrorism and in other similar cases, when inaction leads to even greater evil and is a tantamount to crime itself. At the same time, justified violence, even being a lesser evil, still remains evil. It cannot be set equal to good. Anyone who commits it, in any case, has guilt and moral responsibility for the deed.

     3.12 The Universe is the Creator, a living being, and therefore everything in it is alive and sentient. It is necessary to remember this and relate appropriately to everything that surrounds us. You need to be careful and respectful to Nature, people, things. This natural attitude makes us better ourselves, helps to overcome the barriers separating man from Nature, helps to find strengths that it can give us.

     3.13 The Universe is a single organism, each particle of which needs other particles and can live in harmony with them. We must strive to realize this unity, we must learn to see ourselves in everything and everything in ourselves. This is the ground on which love for people, the world and the Universe grows.

     3.14 One should not hate as nothing deserves to be hated. All is good in its essence. Even evil, creating obstacles to the development of the Being, the Creator and man, promotes their development. All people are essentially good. They can do evil – but it is external; inside, without exception, everyone is good, for they contain particles of the Creator’s soul. If a person commits evil, then it is rather his misfortune than guilt, and he deserves not hatred, but sympathy and help in overcoming his worst qualities.

     3.15 Humans are the top species of evolution on our planet – however, this does not mean that they should rule over Nature. The world does not exist to serve them and satisfy their whims. On the contrary: people exists to work for the good of the world, to make it better, to perfect the Universe. They can use benefits that they receives from Nature, but not predatory. They must fulfill their destiny to have a moral right to these benefits.

     3.16 Selfishness should not have place. People are not the center of the Universe; everything does not revolve around them. We exist to serve the world. The interests of people, the world, the Universe should be more important for a person than his personal interests. When the opposite happens, then selfishness arises – one of the most unnatural and worst phenomena. It is egoism that often leads to indifference, greed, enmity, violence and other similar phenomena that make the world a place of sufferings. This happens because a person who acts contrary to his essence ceases to be human.


Part 4
Our aims

     4.1 The primary and main aim of the Teaching is to help people find the Truth. It provides knowledge that science is not yet able to give. We will try to spread this knowledge and explain the principles arising from it. Moreover, we believe that the obtrusion of opinions on others is unacceptable – even if it is a question of the Truth and even if the future of mankind depends on it. We offer the Truth, but we do not force it to accept.

     4.2 We are convinced that the end does not justify the means. A good deed should be done by good methods. Criminal and immoral methods distort the best intentions and cross out the most noble goals. Coercion, lies, all kinds of deceit, bribery, manipulation, violation of obligations and other similar tricks, we consider unacceptable and do not apply.

     4.3 Enlightenment and change for the better of the whole world is a very complex matter. It takes a long time to achieve. Therefore, we are not in a hurry, we are not setting tight deadlines, we are not forcing events through adoption of dubious decisions. We will patiently and thoroughly do our job, assuming that it will take tens or even hundreds of years.

     4.4 The Teaching does not consider anyone to be its enemy and does not consider itself to be anyone’s enemy in principle. Hatred and enmity are unacceptable to us, even in the case of rivalry or any other kind of confrontation. Even if someone is hostile to us, we will not consider him our enemy.

     4.5 The aim of the Teaching is to fight immorality, selfishness, aggressiveness, interethnic hostility and other negative phenomena that destroy society and threaten the existence of human civilization. Society should be based on the principles of natural morality, free will and justice.

     4.6 The Teaching aims at enlightenment, activities in the field of education, science, culture and art, in other areas of public life, as well as in the field of nature conservation. The actions of the Teaching in all these areas will unfold gradually, as opportunities and means appear.

     4.7 The Teaching will contribute to the natural fusion of all races and nations and unification of mankind into a single nation. This should lead to the emergence of a new, United human culture, which absorbs the best features of previous cultures. This merger will serve as the basis for ending wars, various interethnic and intercultural conflicts and will help people unite their efforts in understanding the world and developing human civilization.

     4.8 We have no doubt that the Teaching will become the philosophy of the whole humanity in the future. This will happen peacefully, without aggressive imposition and coercion and will be achieved largely due to the fact that the truth of the Teaching will be conclusively proved by science. When humanity is ready, a global state will emerge, built on the principles of the Teaching.

     4.9 The Teaching will contribute to the development of outer space, the resettlement of mankind in outer space, the establishment of relations and cooperation with other sentient beings. It will become a unifying factor not only for humanity itself, which will be spread over many star systems, but also for other intelligent races.

     4.10 The ultimate goal of the Teaching is to contribute to the perfection of the Creator and the strengthening of the life of the Being. Everything we strive for and everything that we do is ultimately aimed at this. All great things are made of small. The implementation of such ambitious tasks consists of thoughts, feelings, actions, aspirations and work of each person. Therefore, each person matters, he is important and necessary to the Universe. If people understand their purpose they will be able to fulfill it.



The Teaching is an extensive and deep philosophy that applies to all spheres of life, and this Declaration is not a complete statement. It summarizes only the main points as briefly as possible, which helps to make an overview of its general terms. This should be taken into account by those who know about the existence of the Teaching and will learn about it in the future, will shape their attitude towards it, wish to cooperate with it or will come into contact with it in some way.


The Teaching of The United Temple

Translated by Amradkhari