Unknown story (machine translation)

In many mythologies, one can find stories about ancient times – antediluvian, or the times of the Golden Age, or the times when gods lived among people, or the times of ancient kings and heroes. Science was skeptical about this information. Although in recent years there are scientific facts that are beginning to gradually erode the skepticism dam. The data obtained at the intersection of paleontology and archeology suggest that the origins of humanity as a species go back a good million years. But view is not civilization yet. After all, the main, longest stage of the existence of mankind falls on the semi-animal state and primitive savagery. How long is civilization? It is generally accepted that it has existed for 5-7 thousand years, if the appearance of the first cities and state formations is taken as the beginning of civilization. Although, thanks to some archaeological finds and discoveries in other fields of science, this boundary is also pushed farther back into the past – presumably up to 10,000 years, or even more. The means and methods of research are being improved – and what previously seemed incredible becomes relevant. At the same time, various spiritual and semi-spiritual movements of the XX-XXI centuries also declare, based on their data, that the history of civilization is much longer than is commonly believed. We are talking about great ancient powers, peoples and even races, sunken continents like Atlantis or Lemuria, where these races lived, sometimes about the change of a number of dominant races or subspecies of humanity (3, 7, 9 and more), the earliest of which were not so much people in the usual sense of the word, how many of their forerunners, some superraces – the titans, energetic or spiritual humanity, etc. On the whole, a concept opposite to the scientific one emerges here: earlier there were more perfect peoples, over time the human race became more primitive and down to earth, and modern humanity is the end product of this devolution.

From the point of view of the Teaching, scientific representations are more correct. Myths are myths; the grains of truth contained in them are not so easy to identify. But the legendary Golden Age and the gods living among people certainly did not exist. There were no half-human superraces; and whether Atlantis and Lemuria and the peoples inhabiting them existed is still unknown. The doctrine says nothing about this. However, it agrees with the fact that human development went from a semi-animal state to the current anthropological type. It is possible that it lasted a million years. However, in assessing the duration of civilization, the Doctrine is at odds with official science, and very much. In its views, it is based mainly on the texts of the pandect. There is nothing improbable (from the point of view of historical plausibility) in these texts; but to prove on the basis of scientific facts what they say is not yet possible either. Thus, a situation arises when we cannot claim official recognition of our pandect as a historical source, but we can offer to consider it as a source of information, which may be archaeologically confirmed in the future. I say “maybe” because it is hard to imagine what research tools archeology should have in order to confirm the existence of a certain culture, even developed, say, 200,000 years ago.

And in the pandect there are stories about events that happened much earlier. The earliest of them – one of the revelations, the great calamity, the war between the people of the serpent and the people of the dragon – are described in the Métvém “Top” (the book “Evora”). The great calamity happened about 265,000 years ago. And before him there was already one or more revelations. This means that by that time not only a developed civilization existed, but humanity had already come a rather long way as a civilized race, and had already managed to so late in its path of knowledge, either rising to a high level, or plunging into the next “dark centuries”, that crouched the need for revelations. Therefore, a few tens of thousands of years should be added to the above figure. We round it to 300,000 years and take this figure as the estimated reference point for the history of human civilization. I would like to know more precisely; but the Teaching does not yet have more accurate data, and how soon science can say something about this is unknown.

All the hagiographic-historical texts of the pandect fit into the time interval between the events described in “Top” and our time. Naturally, all of them are somehow connected with the history of the Doctrine (with the only exception, which will be mentioned below). But sometimes the events related to it occur on a broad historical background. The most striking example of this is the Mitiem “Circle” and “Second Word” (the book “Doron”). These are two parts of the same story — more precisely, the story of one revelation spanning several hundred years. The first of them tells about the revelation itself, the creation of a community of followers called the Circle, about the growth and strengthening of the Circle and its death during the war between the aspirants to the throne of a vast empire. The second tells about the further fate of several people from the Circle who fled to foreign lands, about the new growth of the community and its final death in confrontation with the local ruler. Of the texts available to date, this is the only example of a complete, although not too detailed, story of a whole revelation, from the receipt of it by the prophet to the death of the last followers, which is unfolding against a broad historical background. The time of those events is not yet precisely determinable – but, in any case, this was unlikely to occur later than 100,000 years ago, in southern Siberia.

Unfortunately, when dictating, dates were not indicated, and localizing events in time using the methods that are available to us is quite difficult. This requires a focused effort and work on reading information on dating, at least approximate, – and this work is yet to come. Although the closer the events are to our time, the easier the dating is. So, the events of the Mityavma “Life” (the book “Doron”) take place in West Africa, approximately 12,000 BC. “The Rohami Song” – Indochina, approximately 10,000 BC The Mitevmas “Teacher” (the book “Evoor”) and “The Stone” (the book “Doron”) are the Indo-Iranian region, apparently, even 2-3 thousand years later (although both of these Mitevmas are neither historical nor everyday). All these regional and temporary locations relate to the latest revelations, i.e. to the fifth, fourth and third, respectively, counting from the present. Texts relating to the second (previous) revelation, i.e. by the time of Hermes Trismegistus, not available. The events closest to our time (around 1000 AD) are dedicated to the Mityavma “Great God” (the book “Evora”). Although this mitevma does not tell exactly about the history of the Doctrine, and there is no indication of historical events in it, except for an indirect indication of the baptism of Scandinavia (more precisely, Norway, where the action takes place), with several references to Thor and Christ.

In addition to the texts listed above, there is a number of others in the pandect in which events related to people from the Doctrine occur against the background of more or less briefly described or simply mentioned historical realities. Currently, work is underway on a new book of the pandect, which will consist entirely of life-historical texts. How things will be with their dating will be seen. As I said above, such information from a scientific point of view so far can hardly be regarded as reliable. But there’s nothing to be done. To date, the Doctrine has the means to obtain information that go beyond the capabilities of modern science, but that is why it cannot prove the reliability of this information. It can be rejected without looking, but can be accepted as a version that has not yet been proven, but not refuted. The bottom line is that the history of human civilization is much longer, more diverse and dramatic than is commonly believed. And the Teaching, as far as possible, fills the gaps – more precisely, one gigantic gap of several hundred thousand years – of the historical record.

Although in fact this record is even longer. Let mankind exist even for a million years – this is only part of the story, just one chapter. Before us, other intelligent species lived on Earth with which we are related by our origin. In the Mithavme “Particle” (the book “Evoor”), events are mentioned relating to a rational non-human race, the predecessor of that rational race, the descendants of which we humans are. By terms, it is millions, if not tens of millions of years. But even that race was hardly the first in a series of intelligent species that our planet gave life to. All this is an unknown story of our world with you. I don’t know when and how human science can discover, prove and explore it, but there is no end to work. In the truest sense of the word. What is known today is crumbs in comparison with the unfolding scale of upcoming research and discoveries. And that is great.

© Atarkhat, 2016