Space brothers, spirit brothers (machine translation)

Our Universe is rational, and it is literally fraught with intelligent life. In its almost infinite open spaces, there are many rational races, aware of what the Doctrine calls them. It is quite possible to consider them as our brothers in reason, and even more than brothers: after all, in the people and in other conscious people the one mind of the Creator is manifested. We can say that we all think in the same mind. Everyone is responsible for the correct use of that piece of a single mind, which he personally got. And all these particles are moving towards a future complete merger in the world of the Spirit.

Spirit is the bearer of all good qualities and abilities, including reason. So, it would be more correct to say that we are brothers first of all in the Spirit, and only then – in reason, as if in the second place. Moreover, the connection through the Spirit is more free and, so to speak, stable. Through it, we can feel each other, exchange good qualities and strength. However, communication through the mind is more obvious: you can communicate with another person who is aware, exchange information, and come to a consensus. This is something obvious that can be done and in which you can give yourself an account – in fact, something that you can almost touch with your hands. And for perception, this is a key point. Therefore, such a connection through the mind, at the level of the communication system available to us, is more material for us, although in comparison with communication through the Spirit it is limited, difficult and not so effective.

In my understanding of what I have called the brotherhood of the Spirit — exactly so, in the Spirit with a capital letter — the Doctrine adheres to the original point of view. But the expression “brothers in spirit” has another meaning. In this case, the word “spirit” is written with a lowercase letter, and the expression itself does not mean unity through the soul of the Creator, but a certain community of beliefs, a common worldview, goals, principles. It would seem that in this understanding, brotherhood can only have a very small scale, being limited to some groups of people. Indeed: the human race in this sense is tragically divided, people adhere to a huge number of mutually exclusive worldviews, and even the largest and most influential of them are very far from unifying all humanity in their own bosom. And what can we say about the brotherhood in spirit on a cosmic scale … Is this possible? ..

Surprisingly – but this is possible. Although if you think carefully, then there is nothing so surprising here. All intelligent races live in a common house – in one Universe, in one reality. And they recognize this common reality for all, with its universal global laws and goals. Great Beginnings act for all; evolution is for everyone; the law of causation works for everyone; the three planes of the Universe are relevant for everyone; perfection of the Spirit is a common task; the new transformation of the Creator is a common goal; and so on and so forth, and so on. Small (on the scale of the Universe) local nuances of local conditions and natural processes do not so much play a dividing role, they add originality and increase the number of development options that are common for everyone. So each person has his own appearance, character, habits, set of knowledge, experience, etc. – but all people live on the same planet, breathe the same air, are endowed with the same structure of the body and obey the law of gravity on all. In the same way, rational races, for all their particular differences, have much more in common. I would say global in common.

There is only one reality, and objective knowledge about it can exist only in one version. In other words, there can be only one worldview that meets objective reality. One true teaching about her. And it exists. It cannot but exist, because it is composed of objective knowledge of the world, of the Universe, of the Universe. If someone knows objective reality somewhere, then he knows true doctrine.

There are rational races that have come very far in this, having passed from the stage of collecting disparate knowledge to the stage of conceptualism, so to speak, when the sum of knowledge is already perceived precisely as a holistic teaching, as a fully formed worldview system. They come to him in different ways: some through a completely independent knowledge, Nature helps others, through the revelations of the God of Wisdom. But when a rational race reaches the level of perception of existing knowledge precisely as an objective worldview, then it begins to understand that there must be other races in the Universe that follow the same path and have the same view of the world. Her … co-religionists? No, this word does not quite fit, because it is not about religion, but about knowledge. Worldview colleagues? It sounds understandable enough, but somehow it is very cloth. Her brothers in spirit. This is an appropriate definition. Although for the totality of those who follow the true doctrine in the Universe, there is a name: Eternal People. And the true doctrine, no matter how it is called on different planets and at different times, has its own elemental, at the same time, the egregor, which bears the name God of the Faithful in it. However, he has many other names; even on our planet, during the course of human history alone, there were several of them. But that’s not the point. The God of the Faithful is the unified energy of true doctrine, which unites all who belong to it, wherever they are in the Universe. This is like a single circulatory system, but only in the energy form. The Eternal People is like a single organism, with common knowledge, common goals, common energy-blood.

The Universe is very large, and the entire Eternal People, scattered across its different corners, does not have a unified communication system, – in any case, in the world of matter. In the world of energy, where instant movements are possible over unimaginable distances, everything is simpler, and there contacts can be more active. Representatives of such intelligent races who, due to colossal distances, never contact in the world of matter, can get an opportunity to meet there. Here, in the physical world, the Eternal People is divided into a kind of enclaves, each of which includes one or another number of cooperating races belonging to the Eternal People. But even if it is divided, it does not lose its fundamental unity, because in any case the reality is one for all, common goals can be followed even while being far from each other, and for “energy circulation” the distances are not an insurmountable obstacle. You can even belong to this brotherhood in spirit, that is, to the Eternal People, not knowing about it. So siblings can live on different continents, not even suspecting the existence of each other, but still remain brothers.

Above, I mentioned the collaboration of races who are brothers in spirit. This is similar to the scientific, cultural, economic and political cooperation of the peoples of the Earth, but adjusted for cosmic proportions. And there is one more thing – for earthly peoples it’s quite ordinary, but for intelligent races it’s truly amazing. I’m talking about merging. People from different nations get married and have children; the mixture of peoples is in full swing, and will lead to what it should lead to — the emergence of a single people that will be free from national prejudice and hostility, and will combine all the best from all previous peoples. Something similar is happening on a cosmic scale. When a rational race reaches a very high level of spiritual development, it changes for the better not only its moral and intellectual qualities, but also begins to influence its biology, changing it towards greater universality. As a result, it becomes compatible with other intelligent races that have undergone similar changes. Compatible – means able to give rise to common offspring with them. It is hard to imagine how significant changes in biology should happen for this. A real evolutionary leap, which creates the conditions for the next leap, is the formation of a new intelligent race, combining the best qualities of other races. Each of the above-mentioned space enclaves of the Eternal Folk is a cradle for the maturation of a new, more advanced intelligent species that can make a huge contribution to the perfection of the Creator and bring its transformation closer. This is made possible by what I call the brotherhood of rational races in spirit. Such a brotherhood in its highest manifestations leads not only to internal changes, but also to changes at the level of matter. It makes more perfect not only souls and minds, but also bodies. It moves the evolution of the universe forward.

Mankind has a long way to go that will lead him to the vastness of the universe. He will have to learn the true teachings, meet his brothers in spirit, become a part of the community of intelligent races belonging to the Eternal People. To become part of the cosmic crucible in which a new intelligent race is melted, to give it a particle of itself. But about this – another time.

© Atarkhat, 2017