Only one quatrain (machine translation)

For more than 20 years of the Doctrine’s existence, not one or two people came up with the thought: “Was it predicted?”. She visited me too. Indeed: if the Doctrine is of such great importance for humanity and if its appearance was predetermined by the very course of events in our world, then it is likely that someone predicted it. And if you search, then maybe you could find something. Fortunately, there are no shortages in various kinds of predictors and diviners.

But starting the search, we inevitably embark on a slippery slope. After all, predictions are almost never clear and understandable. It is possible to give them a more or less plausible interpretation only post-factum, that is, after something has happened, to which one or another prediction can be attached. In the style of “Ah, so that’s what it meant!” And this opens up unlimited scope for all kinds of speculation. That is what we are observing. The yellow press and the Internet are literally teeming with catchy headlines in which the names of Nostradamus flash, Wangi – these are two unconditional leaders in the frequency of references – and other more or less well-known seers. This is not counting the endless exaggeration of Bible, Native American and other prophecies. Moreover, 99% of such materials literally shout about their own speculativeness.

It all looks disgusting. And even if you want to look in the vast assortment of predictions for something that could relate to the Doctrine, you will think ten times before you get involved in such an ignoble enterprise, from which it is a mile away. This is exactly what happened to me. At one time, I was seriously puzzled by the question of whether to conduct such a search. And in the end, he abandoned this venture. Because if you want, you can dig up a mountain of predictions that could relate to the Doctrine. But will there really be at least one such among them? All this is very subjective. It’s too easy to believe what you want to believe. So it’s better to beware.

However, even before I thought about this, the following case took place. It was a long time ago, in the second half of the nineties. I already had extensive correspondence with people who were interested in matters of spirituality — only in those days I still had neither the Internet, nor even a computer, and these were still good old paper letters. And once, one of my Russian recipients informed me about the recently published book by D. and N. Zima “Decrypted Nostradamus”, in which, in his opinion, it was said about the appearance of the Doctrine and everything coincided: that the new doctrine would be from Hermes, that it would appear in the Russian-speaking space, and the approximate time of appearance, and even the fact that its founder will be called Victor. By that time I had already heard a lot about Nostradamus, and was used to perceiving the chatter related to his predictions as a field for speculation, on which various kinds of scammers grazed. Therefore, the message discouraged me. I bought a book (parts 1 and 2), read it and made sure that it really looks like a prediction of the appearance of the Doctrine. However, a strange sensation arose: I wanted to believe what was being discussed, but the rest of the contents of the book caused skepticism. This was extremely unpleasant, because it betrayed bias. After long hesitations, I decided to ask for the answer directly to the source – to my Teacher, Hermes himself. The essence of the question was as follows: Did Nostradamus really predict the appearance of the Doctrine? The answer was affirmative, but much less detailed than I would like. The teacher pointed to one single quatrain, which can be reliably attributed to the Doctrine:

“So long awaited will never return,
Appeared in Europe in Asia.
One who comes from the league of the great Hermes
Will rise above all the Kings of the East ”

                                  Michelle Nostradamus Centuries, X, LXXV

Even now, after many years, I can’t say that I fully understand the meaning of this quatrain. If the third line deals with me, the fourth is like an allegory. And the first two are generally unclear to whom they belong. I do not want to borrow interpretations from the works of various interpreters, since all of them are not very convincing. I didn’t receive any additional explanations from the Teacher, and after breaking my head over it for some time, I decided to accept everything as it is. If this quatrain (or its second half?) Belongs to the Doctrine, then so be it. Perhaps – and even for certain – one day it will be possible to understand him better. Not for us, but for those who will be after us.

In addition, a few more questions arose. For example, is it true that of all the Centuries, only this moment refers to the Doctrine? If not, then why only he was indicated? And for me personally, it was still incomprehensible how much, after all, the Winter couple was right in their interpretation of what can be attributed to the Teaching.

A separate question – what are the predictions of Nostradamus? It is generally accepted that he was an astrologer, and that they are the result of astrological calculations. But the Doctrine agrees with the point of view that astrology is a pseudoscience and that, therefore, it should not be trusted. Yes, and colorful paintings, full of details, appearing through the mean lines of quatrains, in no way resemble what can be squeezed out of astrological schemes. There is a more believable, in my opinion, version that Nostradamus was a visionary, and that he described in Centuria his visions and feelings, which he probably did not fully understand, but tried to convey as best he could through the images available to him. This could explain the colorful predictions, and their vagueness, coupled with difficult to understand symbolism, and the fact that most of his predictions were not destined to come true. After all, if he saw something, then it was just a probable future that is constantly changing and correcting. Absolutely predetermined events are, in fact, a rarity. So the version of visionary seems to be more acceptable than the astrological one. Although it does not clarify everything.

Be that as it may, it was after the story with this quatrain that I wondered if I should start looking for predictions related to the Teaching. Or rather, not so much “related” as “able to be attributed” – because the predictions are usually vague, and you have to guess their meaning. And this is the surest way to take what is desired for reality, fall into self-deception and enter into a curved path of speculation. Therefore, on a mature reflection, I decided not to even start.

Thus, today we have only the above quatrain. Is it a lot or a little? Given that these are only four lines, and even those are not completely understood, this is very small. But given that this is still Nostradamus, and that confirmation was received directly from Hermes, this is a lot. I would say that this is only one small point – but it is precisely that important point of support that, according to a well-known saying, can help turn the Earth over. I don’t know how for others, but for me this is enough.

© Atarkhat, 2016