
Mitevma of Athena

I am: let everyone know it. My gaze cannot be obscured, nor can anyone hide from it. None can deflect the blow of my sword. My sword is drawn against the one who unjustly raised his sword; I will give a defensive and bludgeoning sword to the one who is right and needs it. My watch is unceasing. I am the guardian and master of great power, which I have for the sake of defeating that which should be defeated. I have my being for the sake of good, which I do by defeating evil. Whoever needs power according to the law of justice shall receive it from me, and I shall be at his side. No one shall call upon me in vain; but those who do not know not me will find me for their protection and help. My force is measured: and it is as much as the Beeing. The guards that are near people are my soldiers. Whoever calls on me in his righteousness is my soldier. Everyone can fight with my sword but those who fear to take it from me. A small thing done in righteousness is not distinguished from a great thing done in righteousness by me, for there is no difference in the measure of righteousness. I am everywhere, and I am in my adversaries. And their swords I turn against them, and they are overthrown by me. I am pure, and no stain shall ever touch me, for my being is in the Good. There is none able to enslave me, and no obstacle insuperable to me. May the righteous one call me. Let him know that only for his sake is my being. The stronghold of my power is in the righteous who call me. Through their deeds, I pour out the fullness of my power. There is not an enslaved man whom I cannot give back his freedom by breaking his fetters. There is no afflicted, whom I cannot defend, through him, with my shield. There is no righteous man whom I cannot lead to victory by fighting through him. I am a Warrior and I know neither wrath – for I am not wielding my sword against myself – nor fear – for there is none that can defeat me – nor doubt – for I know what is right. All things are favorable to me, and the law of laws rules over me as its part. It is right to make life a true good. And he cannot have malice in himself, for it is the blossoming of evil in a conscious creature. Hatred does not help to struggle against evil but opens to it the way to reason. Genuinely right struggle does not know any defect, for it does not sacrifice its particles to evil. The right struggle has no time limit, for it is the Being itself. A sacrifice offering to evil does not solidify the good deed but destroys it in a way that evil could not. Only purity is victorious. It is a characteristic of purity that even those who oppose it will bow before it and cannot help but be defeated by it. And by its mere being it turns even that which is full of impurity into the pure: such is its struggle. My sword is the power of goodness and purity, the power not to destroy but to purify and transform bad into good. I say, he who is struck by my sword shall not perish but shall live a life greater than that which he lived before. And he who repents of the evil he has done, and draws my sword upon himself to be defeated by it, shall not fall from it but shall have it for his protection. I am in the right; the righteous are in me. I lead those who fight for good, and so good leads itself. For many, the glitter of my sword over the world of men is visible. Its radiance is ever pure, for white metal does not stain itself with blood. Purity cannot defile itself in its struggle. Thus, over the world of men my eye watch, and the veil of pure struggle stretches over it a shield, stronger and stronger. I have been, am, and will be with this world, for the Good is irreconcilable. And in due time my warriors of men shall see that in their hands is the weapon of the Good; and then they shall call upon me alone in themselves. And then the host I lead will defeat the filth of their world. In that battle no blood shall be shed, no tears shall be shed; and there shall be no anger, no malice, and no fury. Then the gods will fall in the world of men, who are the servants of the Dragon; he will be exhausted, and men will bind him in themselves – for in them alone is his dwelling. And people in due time shall leave their world, so that a new seed shall sprout in it. And I will watch over him as I should. So shall it be, for men know it and desire it. I shall not change in the Eternity, nor have I changed in its times. My shield of protection and my sword of transformation through transformation will not decay, for the Being does not destroy itself. And wherever men may be, let them remember that I am ever with them. Let every righteous man know that my power is in him. And let him who does good know that it will be done because he desires it.

Translated by Amradkhari